Desire is a colorful expanse, detailing the order of a fantastical Cosmos.
Desire is the first of my projects and it's the foundation of what comes after it: Metaforma.
Or feel free to explore the pages!
Every underline is a link.
Being - One is conceived by the contrast of perspectives between itself and nothingness.
Severance - To understand itself, One splits into three elements: space, time and void.
Division - Due to the fragments also being created, realms, domains and astra are born.
Ascension - Astra strive to achieve their desire and in the process achieve inner balance.
Transcendence - A number of astra transcend existence, uniting all others and begets genesis.
Becoming - The world transitions into a new frontier, a world of beauty, wonder and hope.
The Absolutes - The three laws of the cosmos, presented together as a whole.
Space - The physicality, tangibility and ever-expansive breadth of material within the system.
Time - The change and progression of all events and entities, physical and nonphysical.
Void - The interconnected tapestry of energy, information and symbolic power.
Fragments - Extensions of One’s perception; a conduit through which all astra can experience.
Body - Enables the perception and expression of Space.
Mind - Enables the understanding and expression of Time.
Soul - Enables the intrinsic connection to, and the expression of, Void.
The Center of the World - A stellar mass whose light flows through the world, called "O."
Realms & Domains - Dimensional hierarchies that give rise to and harbor different astra.
Yhn, Realm of Space - The Spatial dimension of the Yhnmyri.
Domain of Dragons - Shrill and lacerated, this domain houses the Kyn.
Domain of Serpents - Cavernous and contorted, this domain houses the Vynr.
Domain of Worms - Desolate and foul, this domain houses the Synr.
Iyllr, Realm of Time - The Temporal dimension of the Iyllrithr.
Domain of Fate - Eventual and dynamic, this domain houses the Byneur.
Domain of Reflection - Categorical and obscure, this domain houses the Etier.
Domain of Genesis - Chaotic and emergent, this domain houses the Thyren.
Anlyth, Realm of Void - The Energetic dimension of the Anlytha.
Domain of Clarity - Quiet and tranquil, this domain houses the Aril.
Domain of Noise - Tenebrous and paradoxical, this domain houses the Niil.
Domain of Silence - Tumultuous and still, this domain houses the Tnil.
The Abyss -- A negative force of oppressive suffocation, that constricts the light of O.
Yhnmyri - Descendants from the Absolute of Space; the sovereign of Body.
Kyn - The violent, tyrannical and draconian primary caste of Yhn.
The Axis of Power - The Kyn's inner struggle between domination and submission.
Vynr - The frail, ambitious and masochistic auxiliary caste of Yhn.
The Axis of Lustration - The Vynr's inner struggle between perfection and deficiency.
Synr - The morose, ailing and miserable and tertiary caste of Yhn.
The Axis of Vitality - The Synr's inner struggle between purity and corruption.
Iyllrithr - Descendants from the Absolute of Time; the sovereign of Mind.
Byneur - The discerning, systematic and decisive primary caste of Iyllr.
The Axis of Judgment - The Byneur's inner struggle between truth of falsehood.
Etier - The axiomatic, certain and determined auxiliary caste of Iyllr.
The Axis of Conviction - The Etier's inner struggle between virtue and doubt.
Thyren - The turbulent, creative and efflorescent tertiary caste of Iyllr.
The Axis of Creation - The Thyren's inner struggle between emergence and quiescence.
Anlytha - Descendants from the Absolute of Void; the sovereign of Soul.
Aril - The essential, convergent and unifying primary caste of Anlyth.
The Axis of Unity - The Aril's inner struggle between totality and incompletion.
Niil - The fatalistic, corresponding and contradictory auxiliary caste of Anlyth.
The Axis of Paradox - The Niil's inner struggle between oblivion and existence.
Tnil - The docile, abeyant and sprightly tertiary caste of Anlyth.
The Axis of Will - The Tnil's inner struggle between purpose and abeyance.
Intercaste Relations - The relationships between the different castes.
The Primary Castes - Antagonizes their nemesis by overwhelming their tertiary fragment.
Kyn - Nemesis of the Byneur; disrupts undeveloped Body.
Byneur - Nemesis of the Aril; disrupts undeveloped Mind.
Aril - Nemesis of the Kyn; disrupts undeveloped Soul.
The Auxiliary Castes - Knights of the primary castes; destroys the primary's antagonizer.
Vynr - Knight of the Kyn; vanquishes Aril.
Etier - Knight of the Byneur; vanquishes Kyn.
Niil - Knight of the Aril; vanquishes Byneur.
The Tertiary Castes - Sentinels of the Abyss; provokes dismay or development in Knights.
Synr - Wards against the Etier.
Thyren - Wards against the Niil.
Tnil - Wards against the Vynr.
The Experience of the Ascendant - As astra continue to exist, they gain more awareness.
The Ascent - There are nine levels of awareness, based on the development of their fragments.
The Awakened - A newly constructed, barely aware, diminutive consciousness.
The Ravenous - A hungry, belligerent and confused state of awareness.
The Passionate - Laser-focused and highly aggressive state of awareness; prone to fail.
The Intrepid - Efficient, forth-right and persevering consciousness.
The Vigilant - Aware that something may lie beyond their desire once it is achieved.
The Astute - Envisions a bleak, inevitable future; falls into extended period of dismay.
The Enlightened - No longer in dismay, sees a future of hope and the cycles of the world.
The Tranquil - Aware of themselves and all astra, sees beyond the horizons of the world.
The Complete - They are whole. With mastery of themselves, they usher in the new world.
Destruction - If an astra's auxiliary fragment is overwhelmed, they are returned to O.
Transcendence - The fragments an astra possesses conjoin, granting them divine willpower.
Yhnmyri - They become a singular, all-inclusive unit of spatial mastery.
Kyn - O is consumed and shared between the other Kyn.
Vynr - Their central mass is unfurled, revealing their innermost brilliance.
Synr - Their body becomes a well of purification, cleansing everything in its wake.
Iyllrithr - They become a paragon and arbiter of time itself.
Byneur - O experiences the chronology of the world and its creation, from start to finish.
Etier - A nova scatters light across the world, everything being judged as virtuous.
Thyren - Abstraction begets an autonomous expression that becomes unto itself, forever.
Anlytha - They become an energy field that connects all things - a depthless ocean of power.
Aril - O is symbolically recreated, uniting all entities between one another.
Niil - They become an infinite loop of gateways, nullifying themselves from the tapestry.
Tnil - They oscillate with such voracity that they become a wave-field of infinite power.